GED4WEB® Splash Screen for unregistered users

This screen contains:

  1. The version number of the program you have. 

  2. Two radio buttons allowing you to select between English and French 

  3. My email address and a website address

  4. The License agreement.

  5. Four Buttons:  Registration Info, I Accept, I do not accept, send me to your website.


Version Number:  This is the version number of your copy of this program.  Every time I change the program, I increment the version number.  As of now, I give all registered users free upgrades to the current version.

English and FrenchGED4WEB will display all the text (including buttons) in either English or French.  You can change this at any time if you prefer the other language.

Email Address:  If you have questions or comments you can click on my email address and it should automatically open your email program and have my email address ready for you to send.

Link to my website:  You can click on my web site address and your computer should open up your web browser and send you to my website.

License agreement:  This is the license agreement you must accept before using my program.

Registration Info button: Pressing this button will open up a dialog box with information on how to register this program.

I Accept button:  Pressing this button signifies that you accept the license agreement and want to start using the program.

I do not accept button:  Pressing this button signifies that you do not accept the license agreement.  This will cause the program to close.

Send me to our website button:  Pressing this button should act the same as clicking on the Link to my website.